There is Grace in Creating Boundaries

Boundaries are essential, especially if you want to live life on purpose. Or, put another way, if you're going to live a sane life. Almost every woman I know, including friends and clients, struggles with boundaries, which I believe is a form of internalized sexism. As females, we are trained to be relational and think of others first. There is, of course, a spectrum of how this lands with individual women, but the bottom line is women need firm boundaries. It can feel strange and even wrong when we start implementing them into our lives.

I am here to be your BOUNDARY ADVOCATE. I want you to feel your life is more proactive than reactive. You can choose with whom and how you spend your precious talent and time.

 I first suggest doing an inventory of your life.

What is an inventory, you ask? It’s looking at how and with whom you spend your time. You start with your inner circle of family and friends and then move outward to colleagues, neighbors, fellow parents, etc.

Then, it is essential to track your energy. Do you feel alive with the people you spend time with or depleted? Are you craving more alone time? Are you craving more nature or meditation time? Are you dreaming of doing something creative but can never “find” the time to do it?


If you feel depleted after hanging out with someone, say no more. If you are craving more alone time, prioritize it in your calendar. If you need time in nature and meditation, set it up that way. If creative adventure keeps knocking at your door, open it and take steps toward it.

You can use this simple but powerful coaching inventory tool to clear your YESs and your NOs.

If you say no, then ask yourself what you say yes to. If you say yes, ask yourself what you are saying no to. For example, you may need a walk in nature to calm your mind, heart, and nervous system, but by taking this walk, you are saying no to doing more work. Check; how does that feel? It would be better for everyone, including your job if I took this walk and returned to your center.

Only you can create the boundary. I often see women waiting for it to happen alone or for the person who depletes them to stop calling. I am here to say it is not going to happen that way. Take back your power and energy. Wasting your time on activities and people who are not aligned will simply drain your life force and your purpose.

Most boundaries can be set in the spirit of kindness. You can be direct and kind and still honor yourself for your highest good.

If you are struggling to know where to start, please reach out. I can help you take inventory and assess where to take the first baby step toward reclaiming your energy and power.


Forgive Yourself


Inspiration, Effort and Flow