Inspiration, Effort and Flow

Each season brings us a new beginning and ending—weather, food, flowers, plants, and trees. Nature reminds us that nothing stays the same, yet we can expect a beautiful rhythm in life. The sun rises, and the moon shines at night. The sun shines greater in summer, and the moon waxes and wanes. It is all ever-changing but expected.

No matter what my work is, there are always peaks and valleys. There are busy times and then not-so-busy times. Sometimes, I feel inspired, I work, and I flow. Most people prefer the flow and inspiration, but sometimes there needs to be an effort. I am not suggesting a violent push, only that sometimes it takes more mental effort to move through something.

Yesterday, I talked to a client who shared her low motivation at work. She is a high performer and a hard worker, but come afternoon, she simply wants to be outside. The warm weather and sunshine have a greater pull than the spreadsheet or the PowerPoint. But she was feeling guilty about it, feeling concerned she would get called out by her co-workers or boss.

This morning, I was on the phone with another client who just got a new job, and she loves it. She said she feels happy when she goes to work and when she leaves work. Bottom line, she is happy.


Our feelings about work have a rhythm, just like nature: sometimes we feel happy, sometimes we feel guilty, sometimes we feel overwhelmed, sometimes we feel excited, sometimes we feel frustrated, etc.

Trust that whatever you are feeling today, this too shall pass. It is guaranteed. The one certainty in life is change. My experience is that the more we lean into accepting change, the greater our fulfillment. If you consistently feel frustrated or overwhelmed, it is your sign to make the change and find work that is a better fit for you.

It is also an opportunity to lean into the possibility of what could be next. What will the next chapter in my work life reveal? Leaning into the unknown and trusting the nature of change can allow for more space, freedom, and satisfaction.

What is your current feeling about your work life?


There is Grace in Creating Boundaries