Woman holding ceramic bowl at Captain Oko store in Point Reyes.

Decode Your Wisdom

A rejuvenating six-month 1:1 coaching Experience

Decode Your Wisdom to create inspiring work and a more satisfying life.

If you are in a career-life transition, feeling lost and confused, and want to generate a more fulfilling and purposeful life and work, you have come to the right place!

A committed coaching relationship can be a powerful catalyst to initiate the sustainable change you seek.

I use a three-pillar approach called rest, connect, and shine. I offer compassion, unwavering curiosity, and masterful coaching with structure to help you take the next right step toward what you want.

Cloth art piece from Captain Oko in Point Reyes, CA.

I started working with Michelle to find my next career move after a year in a job that wasn't a great fit. Shortly after we met, I was let go and faced uncertainty and self-doubt. I needed more support than I realized to process this change, decide my next steps, and integrate work with starting a family.

Through Michelle's coaching, I learned to truly listen to myself, take my needs seriously, and find peace and progress during a break between jobs. Ultimately, a much better-fitting job came at the right time, thanks to knowing myself better and being intentional about my next steps.

Mee-Sun Yuk 
Sr.Product Manager
Woman with crossed hands in green sweater.

If you choose to partner with me in this work:

  • Name your core values and align your life based on those values

    Craft your vision for work and life

    Design your life and work with intention and inspiration

    Become a blackbelt in boundary setting in service of living your truth

  • Move from feeling stuck to learning how to tap into your internal wisdom

    Shift from feeling depleted to feeling energized

    Befriend the unknown with courage

    Clarify next steps and take action toward your vision

  • Uncover and name your natural strengths

    Meditation, journaling, movement, ritual, and other experiential activities

    Increased awareness around your Enneagram and Myers Briggs type (once you have taken the assessment)

    Learn to trust your intuition

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.

Joseph Campbell

How it Works

Together, we will unlock your wisdom, enhance clarity, and inspire action through a structured and consistent coaching relationship.

Program Foundation

You will receive a pre-session package. Then, we will start with an inspiring two-part Discovery session to establish our connection and determine how best to coach together. 

Coaching Sessions

I work virtually with folks all over the world. We meet regularly for 45-minute coaching sessions. We will discuss successes and challenges, and you will leave each session with homework and a focus for the week ahead.

Between Sessions

You are welcome to reach out via text or short email for in-between support as needed.

Michelle McAndrew Olsen sitting in front of Captain Oko store in Point Reyes, CA.

Let’s GreenLight Your Life

Take advantage of a complimentary consultation to explore where you are now and where you want to be and see if we are the right fit to work together.