Embrace Your Tender Heart
Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen

Embrace Your Tender Heart

Vulnerability is often misunderstood as fragility. However, it is through vulnerability that we connect most deeply with others and ourselves. A tender heart allows you to feel deeply, to empathize with others, and to approach life with a sense of openness and curiosity. By embracing your tenderness, you acknowledge the full spectrum of your emotions, giving yourself permission to experience life in its generous form.

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Forgive Yourself
Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen

Forgive Yourself

Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for past choices that did not turn out as you wished. Forgive yourself for not being kind to your heart, body, and soul. Forgive yourself for not being where you thought you would be at this time in your life. Forgive yourself for caring too much or being too sensitive. Forgive yourself for not being kind. Just simply forgive yourself.

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There is Grace in Creating Boundaries
Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen Self-Compassion Michelle Olsen

There is Grace in Creating Boundaries

Boundaries are essential, especially if you want to live life on purpose. Or, put another way, if you're going to live a sane life. Almost every woman I know, including friends and clients, struggles with boundaries, which I believe is a form of internalized sexism. As females, we are trained to be relational and think of others first

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