Keep Going

Career-life transitions often feel like walking through the dark. You may hit obstacles, feel unsure, or become overwhelmed. It is best to rest when needed and then keep going. The growth path is never linear, and while external factors play a role, many of the most significant barriers we face are internal—rooted in our unconscious beliefs.

When clients begin working with me, they’re often lost without a clear direction or swimming in too many ideas, unsure which path to take. There is often a deeper layer at play: unconscious beliefs. These beliefs are the stories we’ve absorbed over time—about change, success, failure, abundance, and even our worth. They are the automatic stories running in the background of our minds, shaping how we approach transitions and, ultimately, how we approach life.

Unconscious beliefs are sneaky. We often don’t even realize they’re influencing us. They might say, "Change is too hard; stay with what you know," or, "I’m not the kind of person who can succeed at this." These stories have likely been with you for years, and while they may have served a purpose at one time, they can hold you back when you're striving for growth.

During career-life transitions, unraveling these unconscious beliefs is vital. But it takes time and self-awareness even to recognize them. They often present themselves when you hit an obstacle. For instance, you might feel stuck or defeated, but that resistance may be your mind’s way of clinging to outdated beliefs. These moments of struggle are actually opportunities—signs that you’re on the verge of growth, challenging the old ways of thinking.

It’s important to remember that you wouldn’t encounter these obstacles if you weren’t trying. Facing internal roadblocks means you’re actively engaging with change, even if it doesn’t feel like progress. And that’s the key: keep going. Keep questioning whether the beliefs you hold are genuinely serving you in the present. Keep experimenting, learning, and exploring who you are and what you want.


When you make change from the inside out, the journey becomes much deeper. You start to discover parts of yourself you may have yet to fully understand. In that self-discovery, clarity begins to emerge. But clarity isn’t something you force; it’s something that finds you—when you stay open, stay curious, and keep moving forward.

So as you navigate your transition, pay attention to your internal landscape. Rest when you need to, but don’t stop unraveling the stories that no longer serve you. The beliefs you hold today can change, and as they shift, so will your path forward. Trust in the process, and remember: clarity will find you, as long as you keep going.


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