Full Permission To Be Lost

It is inevitable for people going through a career-life transition to feel lost. In a culture that prefers “knowing” or having the “answer” or the next “goal,” if you find yourself “lost,” it can feel like you are in a pressure cooker to find your way fast and to do so quickly.

But what if you resisted the pressure and allowed yourself to be lost? What if you allowed yourself to just float in the unknown? What if you consciously stayed open and trusted the answer would blossom when it was time, not on your timetable but in spiritual time?

Another way to say spiritual time is Kairos, an ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment. The ancient Greeks had two words for time: Chronos and Kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action.

Often, in this culture, we put the focus and the priority on Chrono's time. For example, our educational systems focus more on Chronos than Kairos time. We are in grades based on our age. We set up our days with a clock determining when we sleep, eat, work, go to school, play, etc.


These things are all linear, but our essential self our essence, our most authentic spirit that leads us to purpose- is much more aligned with kairos time.

Clarity about our purpose comes in Kairos time. Being lost is part of the journey. You can think of it as part of the initiation that brings you back to your most essential and authentic self.

Lost can be a magical time if you allow it to be part of the process. Being lost is not forever; it simply means experimenting, exploring, testing things out, and risking. You track your resonance and dissonance but do not need to force clarity or an answer to what is next. Just be lost.


Embrace Your Tender Heart


Forgive Yourself